Teledyne Model 6000 Series-UV Analyzer
Measurement of gases or liquids that absorb in the UV / VIS region
- H2S, SO2, CL2, Total Sulfur
- Phenol-in-Water
- Color of Refinery oils on a Saybolt, ASTM or APHA basis
- Mercury in ambient air
- Phenol
- Chlorine & CIO2
- Styrene in EB
- 1, 3 butadine
- Ethylenediamine
- COCL2 Cl2 in EDC/VS/1,1-DCE
- Model 6000 – General Purpose
- Model 6020 – Hazardous Configurations
- Model 6400E – H2S/TS (X purge system)
- Sample system – Application dependent